Why are your Natural Lashes thin or sparse?


Who doesn’t love thick, dark, long natural lashes?  Since the beginning of time, women have loved  Eyelashes because they enhance our eyes and make us feel beautiful.

Natural Lashes can appear thin or sparse for several reasons:

    • Aging
    • Hormone fluctuations
      • During or after pregnancy
      • Menopause or Perimenopause
    • Genetics
    • Eyelash Extensions that have not been applied properly
    • Trauma to the eyelid, lashes
    • Allergies to makeup 
    • Can be a sign of a health issue
    • Madarosis and Alopecia
Natural Lashes thin and sparse.

Natural Lashes are affected by Makeup, Mascara and Daily Habits

    • If you use low-quality makeup products this can cause thinning and sparse Lashes.
    • If you are not removing your makeup and mascara before bed.
      • Be careful when removing eye makeup to prevent lash breakage.
      • Use a soft cotton pad and a gentle eye makeup remover,
      • Never pull or tug at your lashes.
    • Do you apply Artificial Strip Lashes on top of your natural lashes instead of the lash line?  When you remove the strip lashes you can pull out your own lashes.
    • Are you stressed or sleep deprived?
    • Do you Love Rubbing your eyes?
      • Be gentle and try to avoid rubbing your eyes vigorously.
    • Because Mascara contains so many chemicals it can dry out the hair follicles, making your lashes brittle and prone to breakage. Avoid Water Proof Mascara, it’s – hard to remove and dehydrating.


Medical Conditions

You should always contact your doctor, if you have concerns about your lash health.  If you are experiencing sparse lashes due to medical reasons or noticing a sudden amount of natural lash shedding, there might be underlying health issues.

    • Autoimmune diseases  can cause hair loss and can include Eyelashes.
    • Do you have Thyroid problems?
      • Hyperthyroidism (overactive) .  Natural lashes may become weak and brittle.
      • Hypothyroidism (underactive). Natural ashes may become sparse due to slowed metabolism.
    • Blepharitis is an inflammatory condition that affects the base of the eyelash.
      • Itchiness and redness around the eyes.
      • Can cause excessive shedding of Natural eyelashes if not treated.
    • Chemotherapy can cause extreme hair loss which can include  eyebrows and eyelashes.

Aging Lashes

Eyelashes change as we age.  As we age, our hair follicles produce fewer hairs and that includes those on our eyes.

Many women notice a change in their natural lashes during menopause or perimenopause. Our natural lashes  become thinner, lighter and  grow more slowly.

You might experience changes which include:

  • Length, thickness, and pigmentation.  This can happen on upper and lower lashes.
  • Shorter, thinner, and sparser.  Dang it!!!
  • Daily habits or lack of can also contribute.  Be sure to remove makeup at night  and try to be gentle with your natural lashes.
  • I always advise against water proof mascara… it’s not possible to remove waterproof mascara gently and it is very dehydrating.


This is a temporary symptom and should resolve once your pregnancey is over.  Dang hormones!

Sparse lashes during pregnancy can so be caused by nutritional deficiencies.

After Extensions

If Eyelash Extensions are not applied properly, they can damage the hair follicle,

If you try to remove extensions by tugging and pulling on them, this can also damage your natural lashes.  Always have them removed by a professional.

Only go to a Certified Lash Artist.

Popular Solutions:

If your Natural Lashes are sparse, thin or light and it is not health issue, it is probablyy caused by aging, hormone fluctuations or rough treatment of your natural lashes.

A few options to consider:

  • Eyelash Extensions
  • Growth Serums
    • Latisse is an amazing serum, available by  prescription only and you apply it before bed.
    • Latisse is safe and is effective in stimulating  the growth cycle of your own eyelashes.
    • Safe to use with Eyelash Extensions.


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