My beautiful girls,

I have always treasured the relationships that I have created with each and everyone of you.

There is a beauty that emerges from working with all of you, that is beyond lashes.  It’s a community … it’s a friendship.

During this time of important and necessary separation, I am think about our relationships.  Sincere connections with each of you.  I miss doing lashes but more than that,  I miss you.

Not being able to create beautiful lashes and seeing all of you is so hard.  I have cried many tears and I can’t wait to reopen!!

At this time I do want to remind you of the strict safety, training and certification that sets me apart from so many others in this industry. I take great pride in my uncompromising standards and I am always  committed to continuing to raise the bar in this industry.

I believe in beauty.   Even though I am  temporarily unable to see it in the eyes of you, my beloved clients and friends, I am watching the world bloom with beatiful acts of  everyday kindness.  You and I are joined together because of our love of lashes… but we are united by our human connections.

Today I  wish you health and wellness.  Please stay at home… stay safe and stay healthy.

Stay tuned  for information regarding reopening, rebooking which will be posted when we emerge from this pandemic.

Until we lash again,

Love you!!!


Cindy xxoo